
Jody Nixon

I am Jody Nixon, Founder and Executive Director of Metaphorse Growth and Healing Center. We are located on 45 acres southwest of Montrose, Colorado. We offer Equine Energy Exchanges, Hippotherapy and Therapeutic Riding for humans 4 to 94. We teach children emotional intelligence through the way of the horse. We offer Equine Therapy to any human living with trauma. Our herd of 33 retired/rescued horses are the key. Adults leave with a better understanding of their situation and how to heal. Kids leave with a better sense of self, self-esteem, self-awareness and a better sense of how to deal with their emotions.

While working as an advocate for victims of domestic violence, Jody realized that the women needed time with horses to support their healing process. Horses naturally make you stand up for yourself and this was fundamentally lacking with most of her clients. Jody began searching for a continuing education program that would support this type of work and she discovered Eponaquest International. In January 2014, Jody took an Eponaquest workshop which transformed her life. She knew if she could combine her advocacy work with horses, she could help support lasting change in people’s lives. In March of 2014 Jody graduated from the six month Eponaquest apprenticeship. In 2015 Jody was invited to be a co facilitator for Eponaquest’s six month Riding Focused Apprenticeship from which she graduated as both an Advanced Eponaquest and Power of the Herd Instructor.

Jody worked for Pegasus Equine Therapy from April 2014 until 2018 and then focused soley on her own business Metaphorse Riding Instruction. Jody offers workshops and lessons at her facility in Montrose, Colorado.

Jody is deeply passionate and masterfully able to share the gifts of the horses with her clients. She brings a depth and lightness to this work with her unique style, years of experience, authentic connection with horses and sincere desire to support others healing through horses.

Madison Cano

One of Jody’s shining students is helping out with riding lessons along with her involvement in Therapy Strides providing Hippotherapy and Therapeutic Riding opportunities here at Metaphorse.