
Buddy is a double-registered Rocky Mountain horse and Kentucky Mountain horse. When he was a baby he ran into a pipe fence and it left a dent in his forehead. He was on the sidesaddle drill team when he was young. At age 6 he was sold to Fantasy Ranch. We hear he was one of the best horses at the ranch, taking who knows how many kids on their first-ever ride. At age 25 he let them know that he was overtaking mountain trail rides and he was retired. Buddy is another one of those horses that everyone just loves here at Metaphorse. He’s been to many of our public outings. He’s a kid favorite at camps. He seems to enjoy the therapeutic riding more than anything.
  • Breed: Rocky Mountain Horse
  • Color: Chocolate
  • Gender: Gelding
  • DOB: 1/1/1998
  • Rideable: Yes