Artemis is a five-year Mustang. She first arrived here when a young lady learning about horses had a parent buy her a 3-year old wild Mustang. Anyone who knows anything about horses knows that young children and untrained horses are not usually a great combination. We sent Artemis and the child to a friend who trains Mustangs. Shortly thereafter after the child got more interested in sports and abandoned the horse at our friend’s house. The year goes by and there’s another child who would like to learn how to train mustangs and she brings this horse back to Metaphorse. Things don’t work out with this young woman and the Mustang is abandoned again. At this point, this four-year-old horse has had six different homes including the two just mentioned. We decided she needed to stay here at Metaphorse, so we decided to keep her. Artemis is a beautiful tri-color paint from the Paisley desert HMA in Oregon. It’s taken a long time for her to trust humans, however after letting her just be a horse and live among the Metaphorse herd, she seems to be coming around. She is now allowing human touch with little hesitation, when not too long ago she needed a lot of space. She’s amazing and we’re so glad she is here and thriving in our herd. She and Buster are best buddies, it’s hard to get a picture of her without him in it, they’re that close.